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一文了解30万吨高炉渣立磨设备 - 知乎

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The 7 Best .30-30 Rifles Field Stream

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.30-30 Winchester (.30 WCF ) - BallisticStudies

Web 结果At close ranges, the .30-30 is a clean, effective killer of medium game. To those who use and rely on the .30-30, these factors outweigh any potential negative aspects of this cartridge in comparison to more potent, modern cartridge designs. Suggested loads: .30-30 Winchester. Barrel length: 20". .30-30 Winchester (.30 WCF ) - BallisticStudiesWeb 结果At close ranges, the .30-30 is a clean, effective killer of medium game. To those who use and rely on the .30-30, these factors outweigh any potential negative aspects of this cartridge in comparison to more potent, modern cartridge designs. Suggested loads: .30-30 Winchester. Barrel length: 20".


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